These are pictures taken at the re-opening of The Hialeah Race Track Park on Thanksgiving weekend. We were very eager to be back to this beautiful historical landmark which had been closed for 8 years. It was a historical day for the city of Hialeah and its people as the Miami Herald reported over 20,000 people attended. Let's hope that the city continues doing all that they can so that it remains open.
This woman dressed up like they use to back in the days. Lovely!
The flamingoes!
This little guy was just as curious as us.
The Hialeah High band performed in the courtyard and during the opening ceremony.
So beautiful but still needs a lot of renovating to go.
Posters of famous faces that once visited the track hang in the lobby area.
We look forward to the future of the track and hopefully next time we'll place a bet and win some cash. Please refer to the website for future schedules on racing and other news on the track.