Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cauley Square

This afternoon was perfect S.F. weather to be outdoors- not a cloud in the sky, a nice cold front, but a sunny day; it only seemed like a perfect day for visting Cauley Sqaure. Had it not been for my friend who was hunting for gardens to marry in, I would not have come across this beautiful historic village. Soon after researching more on the net, bloggers started visiting and updating with pictures and information on the historic site. It seemed everyone knew about this place and I was anxious to go check it out. So today I gathered my folks and told them I'd take them for a visit to what is Cauley Sqaure and boy were we all in for a treat!

Here are some images of the shops and restaurants at Cauley Sqaure. I did not upload all, as to leave some curiosity and imagination to the mind.

O'Sew Crafty shop. Filled with all sorts of handmade craft items.

I love these wired glass candle holders. They were so rustic and orginally made.

Outside the Villate Florist shop. A man figuring made out of plant pots. Very original!

The Famous Tea Room. Although we did not have enough time to dine at the Tea Room, we were lucky enough to walk in and check out just how homy this restaurant is.

A look at the Tea Room from the outside in.

The gardens out front of The Tea Room.

Throughout the gardens you can find old rustic seating like this country swing.

The fountains found throughout the garden.

About 10 of these guys were hanging around an antique shop, along with 25 cats. The shop owner feeds them both everyday.

Lots of country antique's to be found at Roque's Curiosities, including some of these old jars. I loved the way they were lined up on the shelf, as well as the coloring.
Lot's of old records and comics to be found.
All of it was so lovely that in the midst of it all one would never imagine they were in South Florida. It is to unfortunate that not a lot of people know about this place because it truly is beautiful. As for us, we will be going back in 2 weeks for an arts & craft show being held Nov 29 & the 30th from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. The village is located at 22400 Old Dixie Hwy. For anyone who is not out of town for the Thanksgiving Holiday, I suggest you check it out! And this time you betcha' we're going to have some tea at the Famous Tea Room.

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