Thursday, November 20, 2008


All across stores the Twilight Series books have taken over book shelves, as I'm sure you've seen plenty of copies stocked. At first glance, I had always wondered what these books were about and just by looking at the cover I could sense it was a book filled with mystery; however, I never bothered to buy it.

It wasn't until I recently saw an inerview with Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight series, that I became intrigued in the books. It was then I was informed the book is a love story, not your ordinary love story, but one where a human girl, Bella, falls in love with a young man who is a vampire, Edward. Before I began reading, the plot completely through me off. You see, I've never been interested on plots about vampires. I read Judas Child and only finished it because I had started it. It's either a love or hate relationship with these kind of things, because I love the t.v. series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Of course, the whole thing got moved to UPN and we know the rest from there...

So I finally bought Twilight about 3 weeks ago and finished it on Wednesday. I was absolutely glued to the story! At the beginning of the book Meyers' uses a lot of mystery specifically surrounding Edward's character. It was the mystery surrounding the blood sucking character that kept me glued to the book. I wanted to know what would happen next? What is he going to do? What is he all about? And would Bella freak out when she found out? Nonetheless, the love story and chemistry between the two characters is filled with romance and lust. It is not the lust that causes for affairs and unhappy endings,rather the lust where a romance is forbidden due to Edwards's eating habbitts. The story is also filled with suspence, action, and thrill as there are plenty of cat and mouse games. I won't say anymore as to not spoil anything for those of you who are interested in reading.

For all of you blood sucking fans, you will be hooked, delighted, and craving more. And for those of you who aren't into fiction/fantasy books, I can tell you one's NOT Harry Potter (I'm not a fan). And its more than just the fantasy of vampires living amongst us but more of a love story and two people working hard to make it work. A love story that has no limits.

The Twilight series is composed of 4 books: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. I just got New Moon so I'm reading that now. For those of you who want to skip the reading, you can catch the flick in theatres, out TOMORROW (11/21). You betcha' I already have my ticket!


Alejandro said...

I have heard of these books and am going to see the movie tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Jessy Wessy! i saw the movie and it was great! i wish i could have read the book. I can't wait 'til they come out with more!
